Saturday, November 8, 2014

on the spot against your will persecution

they save up a can so they can use it to harass you they stake you out to arrange everything on the spot which worth is strategic malicious persecution and a spit in the face they install recruits they plant used expired poison as special flavor for you to enjoy instead of everything they snagged and totaled out of your life they cause you serious brain damage as money goes to the not you as their envious plan is to persecute total and steal. its charity and nice people are directly affiliated with gang bangers with racists with retard/mh services with law enforcement and prevention of righteousness. they are right here to stake you out right here to see to it they spit totally worthless can into your face right here to plant stale used for special privilege to insult malicious poisoning to keep the crime they organized with their own hands intact. envious malicious super grand killer and thief America is there but to snag your life away from you and see to it that you never see it not as a special aim. they assist theft to selves and every possible drain to your life which is the very precise purpose of its distraction persecution and theft. these are very nice people which protect and very efficiently disguise their criminal act and intent. it is the country which is a predatory murderer and thief which steals your life and everything yours - a scam act which they do to everyone they deem a disadvantaged easy target. the law enf will be constantly on your back simply for struggling like a dog and it will be in complete void absence and lack of action every time serious crimes happen to you down to calling you a liar deliberately hiding assisting and protecting criminal community assisted under cover of "nothing is happening scam act." America digs obstruction of justice convoluted big time menace and malice and assists its own crime by design act. your life down the drain and  American crime never happened according to American designed scam acts. from local ordinances to fed law to agency and org and gang persecution America stands by and aids crime towards disadvantaged in the name of false righteousness and the lord which empower them to steal and to kill. torture yourself to death as they persecution you to your death for their own wealth and happiness and success. the more they hurt and steal the more happiness is theirs. nasty country and low people. $900 gazillion dollars sought for 40 yrs of ter acts to my life and ongoing. the American law directly aids persecution terrorizing and the demolition of your life - truly a worthy and proud life style.